A place where students, educators, + researchers share new research with the grape and wine industry.
Additional Poster Session Submissions
Alexa McDaniel - Illuminating Alternative Grapevine Powdery Mildew Management
Arunabha Mitra - Genetic Variants of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 3: What Do They Mean for Managing Leafroll Disease in Washington State Vineyards?
Ben-Min Chang - Fruit-zone Evaporative Cooling Maintains Berry Size in a Hot Growing Season
Bhaskar Bondada - Grape Personalities of Red and White Wine Cultivars
Charles Obiero - Optimizing Vineyard Irrigation Management by Wine Grape Variety
Charlotte Oliver, PhD - FRAME Network Research Update
Chris Beaver - Comparison of Quantitative Surface Enhanced Raman Enhancement Techniques for Enology
Evan Fritzke - Canopy and Irrigation Management Effects on Grape Acidity
Geraldine Diverres - Riesling and Partial Rootzone Drying: A Promising Relationship
Heather Carbon - Optimization of Temperature and Sulfur Dioxide Levels for Non-Saccharomyces Yeast
Michelle M. Moyer - Annual Update: Rootstocks for Vineyard Nematode Management
Michelle M. Moyer - Gearing Up for Washington’s Rootstock Future
Nataliya Shcherbatyuk - Vineyard Nutrition: A New Look at Old Sampling Protocols
Pierre Davadant - Impact of Soil-Applied and Foliar-Applied Nitrogen on Grape Composition
Sridhar Jarugula - The Tale of Two Economically Important Viral Diseases in Washington State Vineyards
Sridhar Jarugula - Maintaining Healthy Grapevines in Certified Nurseries Through Viral Diagnostics
Thomas Groenveld - High-Resolution Vineyard Nutrient Management
Questions? Email Marissa.
Undergraduate students studying grape and wine industry-related fields from any Washington post-secondary institution are welcome to apply to present their undergraduate research projects and/or findings. Undergraduate applicants can elect to have their poster judged, if desired.
Graduate students studying grape and wine industry-related fields from any Washington post-secondary institution are welcome to apply to present their graduate research projects. Graduate students have the option to present their research as a poster or in a 10-15-minute oral presentation during the Poster Session. Graduate applicants can elect to have their poster judged, if desired.
Professionals in the grape and wine industry are invited to present their research as a poster. Professional applicants can elect to have their poster judged, if desired.
The 2020 Poster Session and Oral Presentations Winners:
Undergraduate Poster:
1st Andrew Gerow- A comparison of riesling flavors with fruit from north and south shores of Lake Chelan
3rd Bernadette Gagnier- Using biology to time post-plant management of northern rootknot nematode
Professional Poster:
1st Michelle Moyer- Rootstocks for nematode management in a vineyard replant scenario-an update
2nd Ben-Min Chang- Mist-type evaporative cooling helps wine grape deal with heat and drought stress
3rd Sridhar Jaruugula- Rogueing symptomatic vines for controlling viral diseases in vineyards
Best Graduate Oral Presentation: Margaret McCoy
Crowd Favorite: Sridhar Jaruugula