Sustaining Success in a Changing Industry

Monday, February 10

2:30p.m. – 4:00p.m. | Three Rivers ABCD Classroom

Learn how to continue successfully in the current and future market conditions. AgWest will provide benchmarks and success indicators from a lender’s perspective.  A grower panel representing commodities across the west will share examples of how to sustain success in challenging times in agriculture.  In addition, results from a recent Innovint survey on the state of winery health will be provided, with Washington specific metrics and an industry comparison.  The session will conclude with tips on how to optimize winery health, focusing on financial, operational, and cultural well-being. 

Sponsored by: Larson Gross

Session Speakers

Casey Cox

AgWest Relationship Manager

Bradley Calaway

Root Ag Advisory

Laura Kendall

Director of Marketing with Innovint

Keith Oliver

Olsen Brothers

Hermann Thoennissen

HTG International

Ashley Leonard

Innovint Founder and CEO

Jean-Francios Pellet

Director of Winemaking at
Pepper Bridge

Trent Ball

Session Manager

Yakima Valley College, Agriculture Department Vineyard & Winery Technology Chair